New template
Posted by Zivha at 23:58
I felt that with the recent change you all now know of that my blog needed another change.
So I went online and searched for a good template to use now, and I found two.
I chose this one because it's green and the dinosaur was too cute to not let it prance next to the title of my blog. :P
I'm not too fond of the dark brown on the right collumn, but I may start messing around with the HTML and change it - problem would be that I don't know anything about HTML and I'll probably break it :P
The second one I found I will also use, sooner or later. So, gonna be a surprise, I guess :P
I'll probably get bored of the simplicity of the current template, so yeah...
I hope you guys like the dinosaur, though :P Curious what name I should give him (yes male... he's a male cause I says so. :P)
Lol, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. That's most likely thanks to my sister who's been super supportive and made me food, and forced me to eat it. xD But it wasn't that bad. :)
I do miss those sandwiches I used to eat. Sigh... me wants now D;
But oh well, I'll get over it. I'll forget what it tastes like, and I'll forget all about the sandwich, lol. It'll be fine :)
I did eat one thing this morning that I shouldn't have. This yoghurt thing with 3% fat in it. But hey, not that bad, I guess... I was simply in a hurry. I remember thinking: ok, I'm going to hell!
Lol, not that bad... I'll get used to eating the things I should in the morning. I'm not used to eating in the morning, so I'm kinda all proud that I managed to eat in the morning every morning for three days, lol.
Keep on going, yup... keep on going :)
Not that hard, thanks to all the support I'm getting from everybody, I don't feel so alone :)
Last day of the first month
Posted by Zivha at 11:51
I started out with the explanation to why I named my blog like this, and where my username originates from, both the same place obviously :P
I had ups and downs, and I wrote about them; and I can safely say that after writing it all down for you, trusted readers, to read made me feel better everytime.
I met new people, most important one of them being Panic Girl, who's faithfully read all my posts and gave me useful comments I could buil on.
I made it through the month with this blog, people, and I have no intention of abandoning it. I have no intention of just stopping.
One month... and I intend to make it a few more at least :)
My trusted readers, thanks for reading so far! I hope you keep on returning for the posts to come :)
You're both really sweet :)
Panic Girl, thanks for wanting to help me out, means a lot :D I would just like you to know that just reading your blog encourages me enough from your part, so you don't have to start the diet; my older sister decided to do it with me, so I think that's good enough. :)
And noob, I'm already grateful if you just make me food xD
And you don't have to eat just what I eat as well, I know you love cheese too much :P
It encourages me that I have the two of you behind me from the other side of the world :)
And my sister from right here. What more could I wish for, right?
I truly am blessed!
Wannabe diabetes
Posted by Zivha at 21:12
Yup... doctor, this is what this post will be about. I can't not write about the event, because it appears to be a rather big event in my life right now, and so I'd like to share with you guys, my trusted readers.
So, I'll start from the beginning of this story, so it will be more clear to those of you who don't know what the frack I'm talking about :P
About a month ago I went to see a doctor, a specialist in *insert her domain of work here*. She examined me, and they took my blood and told me to come back when the results were ready.
The reason why I went in the first place is because I've been having headaches and stomachaches, and all kind of strange anomalies with my body. First doctor I went to gave me a treatment which resulted in me being in even more pain and a humonguess gain of weight (at least 20 kg).
So this time I went to see the doctor who was the best in the region and obviously specialised in he field.
So here I am, a month later, sitting in the waiting room. I could notice that the whole floor had been renovated, everything renewed, it was quite comfortable for a hospital. I'm watching the door waiting for the lady before me to come out, and when she finally does I get up, take my jacket and go inside, along with my mother.
The doctor asked a few questions, looked at the results of my blood tests, and then started talking doctor-gibberish with her assistant with a few breaks to talk on the phone to anounce her friend she was leaving for Germany (don't ask, doctors are a bit weird from where I come from) after which she turned to my mother and I and started:
"The good news is you don't have diabetes. The bad news is your body thinks you do so it acts as if you have diabetes. If you don't treat this now you will have severe diabetes in about 20 years, so to prevent this you will have to go on a very strict diet. I've written down some things you aren't allowed to eat anymore and the things you are still allowed to eat."
I look at her with scared eyes. I hate diets, they are always useless in my oppinion. But hearing that I have a "wannabe" diabetes which could develop into a very severe case of diabetes wasn't a very pretty thing to look forward to.
"Alright, no cookies and sweets obviously. Definitely no sugar, no honey, no cheese, no bananas, no pears, no grapes, no peanuts or any other kind of nut. No bread, no potatoes, no pasta or spaghetti, only with tomato sauce without meat and no more than 3 times a week........"
The list went on, and eventually she said everything I eat in my everyday life. I was looking at her, eyes wide and eventually just stated that I couldn't eat anything I could buy in a store anymore. She laughed at my remark, since I said it with a half smile, and then gave a list of what I could eat.
"You can eat apples, vegetables, oranges, low fat yoghurt, low fat this low fat that..."
This made me a bit more comfortable, although still I felt like crying. I smiled and laughed, and made jokes about the whole thing. My mother laughed, the doctor laughed, the assistent laughed. It was allright, everything was.
She also told me a series of medication I had to take for a longer period of time. I'll become a junkie now, lol. I don't like the medication, but what can I do...
I am now still holding my tears in, I'm still strong enough to tell myself it's going to be alright. It's a big change in my lifestyle, I will have to be treated like a diabetic, just without the insuline shots.
What I hate the most is that I have no other choice but to drag my family into this; they need to adapt to my style of living now, because if I fail with this entire diet thing there's a big chance I'll be dead by 50.
Despite the fact that I am not very fascinated about the whole near future right now, on some level I am amused. I can laugh about my made up term for my condition - "wannabe" diabetes - and I am amused that my life could have such a drastic turn of events. I do believe that this may eventually turn out into something good.
The next few weeks, however, I am not awaiting gladly. I was never a big fan of drastic changes, but I guess right now I'll have to accept it as it is and do as the nice doctor says. ;)
A good day.
Posted by Zivha at 19:31
I went off to the Casa de Cultura (House of Culture) for the guitar class my brother in law gives, and played kindergarten teacher.
It was fun, despite the fact I couldn't really pay attention to what my brother was saying. I had two little girls of 7 and 8 to explain the guitar things to, my brother has the tendency to go a bit too fast for them. :P They're both very smart and they catch on extremely quick.
What was another awesome thing that brightened me up was that I managed to be nice and welcoming to two new boys joining our class. At the end I said I hoped they'd come again and they both flashed a smile and said they'd be back. Made me smile too :) Partially cause one of them was nice and the other one was pretty hot. xD
Anyhoooo.... the night was good. Those two guy coming and me being able to be nice to them (and the only one to approach them) despite my mood brightened me up, because even though it seemed small, it's an achievement. :)
I woke up early the next morning. Well... 8 am ish, a bit late for the first class in school but that was alright. I called my friend, asked if she was in school, she was so I said I'd come as well.
The morning was very beautiful, and warm. I could really smell spring in the air. I didn't pay too much attention to the people and cars around me, I just smelled the air and listened to the soundtrack of Dirty Dancing, one of my favorite soundtracks of all time!
I managed to stay until the end of school, which was 2 pm, even survived a test. And at the end my mood still wasn't broken into pieces.
A good day, I must say. Lets hope I can keep it up. :)
A bit better.
Posted by Zivha at 14:14
No school, still, however I did get up at 8:30-ish and watched Walt Disney's Fantasia. Calmed me down a bit more that did. Fantasia - a marvelous piece of art.
I then started on my painting and nearly finished it, had lunch and then accepted the offer of a cup of tea - something I had been refusing for the past week despite the fact that I do like tea a lot.
I even picked up my book - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - and continued reading, another thing I hadn't been doing, for over 2-3 weeks now.
I am getting better indeed. Although I don't seem to be able to get out of the house yet. I couldn't make the decision to go to the library with my mother and sister today. I guess for more reasons... or I plainly just don't know. Probably that last.
I think that today I want to read. I wish I could read all day today, but I still have to go out to the Casa de Cultura (House of Culture) after which I have to go to church so I can try to follow my brother in law who leads the worship on his guitar. He wants me to learn the songs on my own guitar so I can fill in for him when he's out of the country. I'm not going to give my opinion on that fact, I simply decided to do as he says, I have too much else to worry about. Let him worry about this.

I hope tonight will be the same as last time, and I really hope that my mood of the past days won't interfere.
Maybe I'll feel even better.
Hopes are up.
This song also made me feel a bit better today. :)
I haven't gone to school, I haven't gone out of the house, I haven't worked on my paintings, I haven't done anything I should have been doing. I've just been playing computer games and watching TV shows until 5 in the morning.
I wish it would stop. I wish it would go away and leave me alone. I'm not even sure what "it" is.
I just want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and smile. Just smile at myself and others.
I was told that the reason why there is never anybody there when I need them is because I've got to learn to take care of myself without any help. I agree, that's the reason. It's how life works, can't change it.
It's what I've been doing for 11 years now. For 11 long years I've been taking care of myself without any help from anybody else, and here I am. Still broken. So... life isn't fair.
Funny thing is I can't even say that line with anger anymore. I've accepted it: life isn't fair. A mother and a child are both hungry, starving, but the child dies. Is that fair? No... life isn't fair. And there's nothing we can do to change about it, as much as we'd like to be able to. It's life and it's a bitch.
The way I've known life for the past 11 years; it wasn't fair. Maybe I make things worse than they seem though, who knows. Maybe I live in a paradise and shouldn't feel this threatened by my surroundings, my family. Maybe I should listen to those people who've been through a lot themselves too and who tell me that I should be pleased with what I have.
Well... what can I say. It's in the nature of the human to never be happy about what they have. I'm no different. However, all I want to do when I meet a person who tells me that I should be happy is to turn around and say "if you knew about my past you would throw that line in your own face.". But I never do, because again... it wouldn't be fair. And life is unfair enough already, no need for me to add more chaos.
I don't really know what I'm trying to say here. I don't even know if I have a point. I've just been stuck for 3 days and I'm still not showing signs of any recovery. I'm getting tired of it. I'm getting tired of having to fake it to my sister. And tonight I'll have to fake that smile for my dad as well.
I'm tired... exhausted; I don't know what to do anymore. And I'm not expecting any help either. I'm on my own.
Posted by Zivha at 19:18
I feel that mood of despair and sadness starting to come over me again. And I don't want it! I want it to leave me alone!
Now I'm just hovering around the house, looking at random things, thinking about random nothings just to try to keep that mood away from me. I don't want it! I'm scared of what will happen when it comes.
Why is it that everytime I need your help you're not around? It's like a curse or something... whenever my mood is shifting into something bad you're either sleeping, or at school or I don't know where else you could be. I don't blame you, it's just my bad luck.
So now, that I'm alone again, trying my hardest to keep my thoughts positive and keep those tears away, I just sit here; don't have anything to do.
I could paint, but painting often lets my mind trail off and in this situation I'd rather not.
I have a feeling that this won't be over by tomorrow. It needs to be, I need to go to school, and this mood always keeps me from doing so. I'm dropping, falling, out of control.
I suppose it would be easy for people to just tell me to get over it, to just control it like a normal person. But I have no control.
I am at the mercy of angels and demons.
Bad day...
Posted by Zivha at 11:46
First I wake up to a nightmare of people being killed, and a pregnant woman being stabbed. I mean... what the frell is up with that?!
Then, I get yelled at by 3 teachers cause idk what and this and that, all at the same time. And I just have to keep smiling and pretending I don't mind so I wouldn't seem disrespectful; that would just make them scream even more.
Then, while I'm running down the stairs to get as far away as possible from that wretched school, some jerks laugh and call me fat, like it's my fault! Not my fault I have medical problems! And I still had to pretend to my friend like everything was fine and nothing bothered me, and smile to the sun and make jokes like: how many fingers am I holding up? *waves hands like a lunatic*
Meh... I just want to stay inside and never have to come out and see people ever again.
What am I doing with my life anyway? I failed to present a decent preview of my project. I failed at keeping strong. I haven't done anything for my audition that I have in about a week. And I fail at.... lets admit it, pretty much everything!
And I know, I sound very stupid complaining like this. Complaining complaining complaining, seems like I don't know how to do anything else anymore. I shouldn't even post this. But there is nobody else to listen, and things are just too much right now to hold to myself.
I can't call my friend cause she's in class and will still be in class for at least 2 more hours, I can't call my other friend cause he's still sleeping due to time difference. And there's nobody else left...
So bear with me... please...
Zero self-control
Posted by Zivha at 16:04
Just now was one of those moments. My sister accused me of something I didn't do, and I lost it making her cry.
I've been stressed for months now, and my temper is already very vulcanic, uncontrollable, so imagine how stress amplified that. And now I'm even more upset about the fact that I made her cry... again.
I'm such an imbecile! I hate making her cry, I hate treating her badly, I hate being a bitch to her. But everytime again, everyday, every hour I'm around her I do it, and I can't control it. No self-control whatsoever.
Makes me ask myself, how much longer until I kill someone! Perhaps just to kill myself now, so I can prevent it.
I don't know... I don't know anything anymore. I don't understand myself! One minute I'm smiling, I'm alright, the next I sink down into darkness and can see only negatives. Being bipolar is annoying as hell!
The selfish thing is that I have to implicate other people into my moods and either go hyper on them until they kick me out of the room either yell at them and then run out of the room myself, hurting their feelings like nobody ever should.
Ugh, life! I beg of you to stop trying so hard for I'm unworthy of your gift!
Protect the others from me, please...
Posted by Zivha at 19:08
Such selfishness, to cry for your own situation, for the things that happen to yourself. I'm guessing all you do is make your own life miserable! Your own fault that you let those faulty tears flow! It's not the rain, it's not the oncoming darkness, it's your own poisoned mind.
And this I tell to myself, as a reminder to dry those poison tears, and replace them with more colour and more life. Because every one of those tears adds a drop of stone to your heart. Every tear takes away a piece of the love you can give and replaces it with poisoned hate.
Sounds cruel, I know... but it's reality. Crying about everything is easier than making an effort for your joy. Crying doesn't feel like a hard thing to do. Well, that's exactly why it's no good! Everything worthy in life is earned. and you earn things by making an effort.
And no, there's no cheating :P
Making an effort to be happy is hard, so hard. I remember falling back into that dark pit over and over again. I remember how it felt to feel my nails getting ripped off because I tried climbing out of that hole. I remember the pain, the suffering; everytime I fell back my heart felt shattered again and again and again. But it's always worth it! Life is always worth it even though it never seems like it. And you always have to go through the worst to be able to appreciate it fully.
I've gone through being abused, to being rejected, to being the suicidal girl nobody understood. And I know that the worst probably isn't over yet, there is more to come. But I try to hold my chin up high and I choose to believe in a happy ending. I choose to believe there is such thing as a wonderful and beautiful world; somewhere out there... there must be.
The 8th of March
Posted by Zivha at 12:53
Her: What you doing?
Me: At home...
Her: Coming to school?
Me: Meh, I don't know...
Her: Come on, come to school, it's so boring!
Me: (sigh) Alright, I'll be there in an hour.
However, today it was slightly different, with a pleasent surprise. :)
Her: Coming to school?
Me: Meh, I don't know...
Her: Come on! I got flowers and you'll get something too, just come!
Me: OK :D
Lol... at first I didn't know why she got flowers, and I didn't realise the date. It was the 8th of March! The day in honor of the woman.
So, I arrived at school and my friend shows me the flowers. They're those small white flowers that are the symbol of spring. Then another girl comes up to me and gives me a little box with a small porselain angel inside holding a little blue giftbox. It was sweet of her, and I was glad I got something, since usually I never get anything. It was a pleasent surprise. :)
After school, my friend and I walked down the street, and everywhere there were people selling flowers. Everywhere beautiful bouquets!
Everywhere you looked you could see boyfriends and husbands walk around with flowers in their hands to give to their loved one.
Beautiful day, full of surprises :)
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This lady was selling her flowers at an exceptionally cheap price. photo by Jana Weyts |
Stressed out
Posted by Zivha at 22:28
Easier said than done though, I'm afraid. My inspiration still doesn't feel like doing me a favor. I'm guessing it likes to see those tortured emotions on my face too much.
It's weird cause I shouldn't be bored at all. I have so many things I SHOULD be doing, but I never come around to it; probably because of mutliple reasons, the biggest one of them being that I just don't want to!
Being in my final year of highschool I have major exams coming up, and on top of that I have a rather huge project I have to finish for my art class.
I hate being pushed to do things, I hate feeling trapped by what other people want me to do. It reminds me of how I sit in this cage along with all those things society tells you you should be doing.
I guess it could be compared to being trapped inside the matrix!
Unfortunately I don't have a Morpheus to swoop in and pull me out with the lines: you take the blue pill your journey ends here, you take the red pill and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes...
I would take the red pill. That would most definitely mean a harder life, but a life in freedom!
Well... in any case, I'm stuck right now. Stuck in life as I know it, and I can't change it for God knows what reason. I need to prepare for those exams - although that isn't the hardest part; I need to work on my art project! However, because I am forced to do it I have lost all my inspiration, and I've lost all my determination along with it.
I love painting, drawing, colouring... but with this I am forced into it. And I am NOT forced. It might sound like I'm being a stubborn little idiot, but my stubbordness is something I can not control.
I am battling my way through this project, against myself. In my mind... it's a fierce and violent battle...
Now just to see which one of me is going to win.
Posted by Zivha at 00:24
when horror stories are told with a flashlight for extra scary
effects. As I said, the night is magical. :)
However, as much as I love the night I also fear it.
Whenever I see the twilight outside my window I dread the moments
before I fall asleep. It's because of those thoughts; they keep my
mind clear awake while the rest of my being suffers from exhaustian.
Stress is loving the sight of my torture; causing pain for sport. It
fills my head with phrases like "You'll never finish that project in
time, your ideas suck, hardy har har!!"; keeps me awake for hours.
At a certain point it got so bad that I started having mild panic
attacks. I would start tossing and turning violently in my bed, tears
would flow down my cheeks and create wet spots on my pillow...
After a while I found a way to avoid those situations as much as
possible and just fall asleep peacefully:
At first they weren't very good distractions. I would stay awake until
I eventually passed out.
I'm stupid I know, lol.
Then, however, I figured out a faster and better way. My phone's
screen is so bright - even at the lowest brightness - that it would
exhaust my eyes in record time. I would play games or browse the net
for pictures. Then, after my eyes were tired I would listen to a
number of songs which would make me fall asleep.
Distractions of the mind. ;)
Once you figure out how you can distract yourself you'll be fine most
of the time. :)
Posted by Zivha at 14:33
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photo by Jana Weyts |
The long road ahead...
Posted by Zivha at 22:25
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photo by Jana Weyts |
The way I see it it's a journey. A journey on a road which lies ahead of us constantly, never to turn and step in the other direction again.
Funny thing is that so many people see that endless road in front of them, so they start walking as fast as they can. They try to get as fast as possible at their destination, which they set themselves; money, fame, the perfect job, the perfect house. They try to find shortcuts and step off the road into the tall grass without realizing they're missing one of the most magical things in this world... those moments in life that make the journey worthwhile.
I'm one of those people. I just walk and walk... or I just stop and sit and refuse to go any further. Not a smart thing to do, I know, lol...
Crazy thing is that I know all the facts. I know that I miss out on so much just cause I keep my eyes focused on what I want to happen in the future. I'm doing it wrong! lol :P
I'm gonna try to change it though. I'm gonna try to go slower and look around for a change. I'm gonna pay attention to what I see around me and who's paths cross with my own. I'm going to stop at a crossroads and think about where I'm going. Stop and think, girl... stop and think.
Eventually things will turn out the way they're supposed to. I guess some call that destiny. :P
I believe in destiny, to be honest. But I believe that you can choose your own destiny. You choose the path you want to take, and the path you choose has it's own destiny. Makes sense to me. :P
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art —
Posted by Zivha at 19:07
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art —
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like Nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors —
No — yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft swell and fall,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever — or else swoon to death.
This is the famous sonnet by John Keats, written in 1818 for his fiancé. It has been my favorite sonnet since I first read it. I'm sure it's not without notice that this is also where I got my username from and also the title of this blog. What can I say, I needed something to put up there, and let's face it: originality is not something I have the patience to wait for, even if it is myself who has to come up with it. :P
Well, I don't really expect too many people to follow this blog. I'm not even sure if I will end up maintaining it properly, be that due to lack of time or lack of inspiration. I've made blogs in the past, but I hope that this time I will be able to keep up with it for a while at least. :)
Since it is the first post in this blog I think it's just fair to give a shoutout to my first follower, who also happens to be my sweet friend, who I love dearly. My sweet, sweet Suria! ^.^ Thanks, love, for being so stalkery and the first to follow my blog. ;)
My intention for this blog is to post stories and pictures. Not much to go on, I know, lol... but I'm not quite sure yet what I'll make of this blog, or what it will turn out to be.
In any case, I hope that everybody that will follow this blog will enjoy what I have to say. :)
About Me
Blog archive
- New template
- 3 days
- Last day of the first month
- Thank you
- Wannabe diabetes
- A good day.
- A bit better.
- 3 days
- No... I don't want it! I feel that mood of despair...
- Bad day...
- Zero self-control
- When I glance out my window I see a gray sky from ...
- The 8th of March
- Stressed out
- Trapped
- Distractions
- Broken... abandoned. When those are the words you ...
- The long road ahead...
- Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art —
Followers - my sheep
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