Bad day...

Bad day, bad day!
First I wake up to a nightmare of people being killed, and a pregnant woman being stabbed. I mean... what the frell is up with that?!
Then, I get yelled at by 3 teachers cause idk what and this and that, all at the same time. And I just have to keep smiling and pretending I don't mind so I wouldn't seem disrespectful; that would just make them scream even more.
Then, while I'm running down the stairs to get as far away as possible from that wretched school, some jerks laugh and call me fat, like it's my fault! Not my fault I have medical problems! And I still had to pretend to my friend like everything was fine and nothing bothered me, and smile to the sun and make jokes like: how many fingers am I holding up? *waves hands like a lunatic*

Meh... I just want to stay inside and never have to come out and see people ever again.

What am I doing with my life anyway? I failed to present a decent preview of my project. I failed at keeping strong. I haven't done anything for my audition that I have in about a week. And I fail at.... lets admit it, pretty much everything!
And I know, I sound very stupid complaining like this. Complaining complaining complaining, seems like I don't know how to do anything else anymore. I shouldn't even post this. But there is nobody else to listen, and things are just too much right now to hold to myself.
I can't call my friend cause she's in class and will still be in class for at least 2 more hours, I can't call my other friend cause he's still sleeping due to time difference. And there's nobody else left...
So bear with me... please...


  • Anonymous | 10 March 2011 at 17:44

    I always read what you have to say. Don't worry about complaining. Sometimes you just need to let it all pour out in order to let it go and work through it. I know what its like to have to mask yourself around others, just so they don't ask whats wrong. Its hard to push forward when people around you are constantly putting you down. Those people teasing you don't have any clue about you. They are idiots for making comments when they have no idea about whats going on inside your body and mind. Some people will never understand the type of pain that you are fighting against ever single day. You are 10x more strong than them because you didn't fight them back. You kept going. Even thought you had to mask yourself.

  • Moe' Suckra | 10 March 2011 at 17:47

    Oi, I'm not sleeping now. :P Wassai, talk to me :P

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