3 days

3 days into the diet and look at this... I'm aliivveee!!!!!!

Lol, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. That's most likely thanks to my sister who's been super supportive and made me food, and forced me to eat it. xD But it wasn't that bad. :)

I do miss those sandwiches I used to eat. Sigh... me wants now D;
But oh well, I'll get over it. I'll forget what it tastes like, and I'll forget all about the sandwich, lol. It'll be fine :)

I did eat one thing this morning that I shouldn't have. This yoghurt thing with 3% fat in it. But hey, not that bad, I guess... I was simply in a hurry. I remember thinking: ok, I'm going to hell!

Lol, not that bad... I'll get used to eating the things I should in the morning. I'm not used to eating in the morning, so I'm kinda all proud that I managed to eat in the morning every morning for three days, lol.

Keep on going, yup... keep on going :)
Not that hard, thanks to all the support I'm getting from everybody, I don't feel so alone :)


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