Yup... doctor, this is what this post will be about. I can't not write about the event, because it appears to be a rather big event in my life right now, and so I'd like to share with you guys, my trusted readers.
So, I'll start from the beginning of this story, so it will be more clear to those of you who don't know what the frack I'm talking about :P
About a month ago I went to see a doctor, a specialist in *insert her domain of work here*. She examined me, and they took my blood and told me to come back when the results were ready.
The reason why I went in the first place is because I've been having headaches and stomachaches, and all kind of strange anomalies with my body. First doctor I went to gave me a treatment which resulted in me being in even more pain and a humonguess gain of weight (at least 20 kg).
So this time I went to see the doctor who was the best in the region and obviously specialised in he field.
So here I am, a month later, sitting in the waiting room. I could notice that the whole floor had been renovated, everything renewed, it was quite comfortable for a hospital. I'm watching the door waiting for the lady before me to come out, and when she finally does I get up, take my jacket and go inside, along with my mother.
The doctor asked a few questions, looked at the results of my blood tests, and then started talking doctor-gibberish with her assistant with a few breaks to talk on the phone to anounce her friend she was leaving for Germany (don't ask, doctors are a bit weird from where I come from) after which she turned to my mother and I and started:
"The good news is you don't have diabetes. The bad news is your body thinks you do so it acts as if you have diabetes. If you don't treat this now you will have severe diabetes in about 20 years, so to prevent this you will have to go on a very strict diet. I've written down some things you aren't allowed to eat anymore and the things you are still allowed to eat."
I look at her with scared eyes. I hate diets, they are always useless in my oppinion. But hearing that I have a "wannabe" diabetes which could develop into a very severe case of diabetes wasn't a very pretty thing to look forward to.
"Alright, no cookies and sweets obviously. Definitely no sugar, no honey, no cheese, no bananas, no pears, no grapes, no peanuts or any other kind of nut. No bread, no potatoes, no pasta or spaghetti, only with tomato sauce without meat and no more than 3 times a week........"
The list went on, and eventually she said everything I eat in my everyday life. I was looking at her, eyes wide and eventually just stated that I couldn't eat anything I could buy in a store anymore. She laughed at my remark, since I said it with a half smile, and then gave a list of what I could eat.
"You can eat apples, vegetables, oranges, low fat yoghurt, low fat this low fat that..."
This made me a bit more comfortable, although still I felt like crying. I smiled and laughed, and made jokes about the whole thing. My mother laughed, the doctor laughed, the assistent laughed. It was allright, everything was.
She also told me a series of medication I had to take for a longer period of time. I'll become a junkie now, lol. I don't like the medication, but what can I do...
I am now still holding my tears in, I'm still strong enough to tell myself it's going to be alright. It's a big change in my lifestyle, I will have to be treated like a diabetic, just without the insuline shots.
What I hate the most is that I have no other choice but to drag my family into this; they need to adapt to my style of living now, because if I fail with this entire diet thing there's a big chance I'll be dead by 50.
Despite the fact that I am not very fascinated about the whole near future right now, on some level I am amused. I can laugh about my made up term for my condition - "wannabe" diabetes - and I am amused that my life could have such a drastic turn of events. I do believe that this may eventually turn out into something good.
The next few weeks, however, I am not awaiting gladly. I was never a big fan of drastic changes, but I guess right now I'll have to accept it as it is and do as the nice doctor says. ;)
Anonymous | 29 March 2011 at 23:12
omg. I'm so sorry to hear that this is happening to you. You've gotta fight it though. I have faith that you can keep to the diet. Maybe your family will do it with you or a friend so that you have some support. My diet is mainly fruit and salads now hahaha just because i have no appetite. I'd love to help you get you through this if you can think of any way how.
Moe' Suckra | 30 March 2011 at 03:07
hrm... no worries :D. When I'm there I'll eat only what you eat if you like. :D. (Except of course for the candy bars I'll have stashed under my pillow) (a). xD Just Kidding )). Seriously tho... dead by 50? No way I'd let that happen. I've got a new name for this "wannabe diabetes". We'll call it LIVEabetes :D. Cause damn it, that's what it'll be :D. I cant freaking hit enter to go to a new line!! AHHH soo.... in that case... p.s. IM A BIRD MOTHA FFF IM A BIRD D;. ))